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This is a great start for your first detective game! The art is great and the controls are easy to use. 

Just a few minor things - I'd definitely recommend a full screen mode, as it's a little difficult to read the dialogue options. 

You can ask Wolfgang about the criminal record before speaking to Alexandria, though I don't actually recall her mentioning this in her dialogue either. It would be neat to see you incorporate a system of dialogue that changes after collecting certain clues or speaking to certain people (though I don't know anything about game development and don't know how difficult this would be to implement!)

It's also a little strange to me that you can speak to one of the children but the other does not seem to be present anywhere - it made me think originally that something had happened to Cassian as well. 

I think my biggest issue is that I don't understand at all what the motive was, so it made finding the killer difficult. 

Overall, I think this is a great first attempt and I'd love to see the story fleshed out a bit more :) 

Thank you so much for the feedback! It was very helpful to see what I could have done better. A dialogue changing system did cross my mind, but that idea was scrapped due to deadlines, I will keep it in mind if I come back to this game for a remake or part two of sorts :)